Memorandum of Understanding Between MFC, Environmental Collaboration Office and Milwaukee Health Department

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This Memorandum of Understanding (Hereinafter, “MOU”) with an effective date of February 21, 2017 (“Effective Date”) is made by and between the Milwaukee Food Council (“MFC”), a coalition of diverse stakeholders committed to building a food system that is healthy, ecologically sustainable, economically vibrant, culturally relevant, and socially just with a principal business address of P.O. Box 1443, Milwaukee, WI 53201 and the City of Milwaukee’s Environmental Collaboration Office (ECO) and Milwaukee Health Department (MHD) hereafter collectively referred to as the “Parties” and individually as a “Party.”

Purpose: The Purpose of this MOU is to improve the Milwaukee Food System and implement goals and targets of the 2013 ReFresh Milwaukee Sustainability Plan and any agreed upon future updates including its Food System Chapter; as adopted in Common Council File Number 131035. Specifically, the Parties will collaborate to:

  1. Set a city-wide sustainable food action agenda including making clear recommendations for changes in policy and practices by City government
  2. Improve institutional capacity and leadership to enhance the sustainability and resilience of Milwaukee’s food system
  3. Expand the role of the MFC to advise elected officials, city departments and other community stakeholders on sustainable food policy
  4. Increase demand for and access to locally and/or sustainably grown healthy and nutritious food
  5. Increase partnership, collaboration, and trade between Milwaukee residents and rural farmers and communities in Wisconsin around sustainably grown and produced food.

City Roles and Responsibilities

The City of Milwaukee Environmental Collaboration Office (ECO) resolves to:

  1. Continue to oversee implementation of the 2013 Refresh Milwaukee Sustainability Plan and any agreed upon future updates.
  2. Have a representative of the ECO office be present at bi-monthly MFC general meetings for the purpose of acting as a liaison to facilitate collaboration between the City of Milwaukee and the MFC.
  3. The Sustainability Director will brief the MFC Board twice a year regarding City sustainability and food policy and initiatives, as well as, solicit recommendations and policy information.
  4. Work with the MFC to communicate progress and proposed policy changes to the Milwaukee Common Council.
  5. Work with the MFC to utilize interns to develop a collaborative action agenda, which may include mapping, research, grant writing/grant management, community outreach, and fleshing out the analyses in the policy recommendations framework described in Exhibit A, subject to availability of ECO’s staff resources.

The City of Milwaukee Health Department (MHD) resolves to:

  1. Continue to oversee and implement food safety policy in the City of Milwaukee
  2. Have a representative of the MHD present at bi-monthly MFC general meetings for the purpose acting as a liaison to facilitate collaboration between the City of Milwaukee and the MFC. Furthermore, the MHD liaison shall brief the MFC Board twice a year regarding City health policy, regulation, and department initiatives relating to the mission of the MFC, as well as, solicit recommendations and policy information.
  3. Inform the MFC Executive and Policy Committees of meeting dates for the Food Safety Advisory Board

The Milwaukee Food Council Role and Responsibility

The Milwaukee Food Council resolves that it shall:

  1. Consult with the MHD and the ECO to coordinate mission activities, advise City of Milwaukee representatives of the state of Milwaukee’s food systems
  2. Work with the MHD and the ECO to develop and convey formal policy recommendations beginning in 2017.
  3. The MFC shall receive all City of Milwaukee representatives, and schedule collaboration with ECO and MHD representatives as a reoccurring agenda item as a part of all MFC general meetings.
  4. Work with ECO and MHD representatives to develop a collaborative action agenda, which may include mapping, research, grant writing/grant management, community outreach, and fleshing out the analyses in the policy recommendations framework described in Exhibit A, subject to availability of MHD’s staff resources.

Term: This MOU is effective until December 31, 2018 at which time all parties will determine appropriate ways to move forward in partnership.

Signature page to Memorandum of Understanding between the Milwaukee Food Council, the Milwaukee Environmental Collaboration Office, and the Milwaukee Health Department.

Milwaukee Environmental Collaboration Office

By: ______________________________

Its: ______________________________

This document was signed on the ____ day of ___________, 2017.

Milwaukee Department of Health

By: ______________________________

Its: ______________________________

This document was signed on the ____ day of ___________, 2017.

Milwaukee Food Council

By: ______________________________

Its: _President of the Board___________

This document was signed on the ____ day of ___________, 2017

Exhibit A

Policy and Program Recommendations Framework

Purpose: To ensure effective collaboration across organizations and departments, all parties agree to utilize a standard policy and program recommendation process.

MFC, ECO, and MHD will work together to identify actionable policy and program recommendations.  In light of the City’s fiscal constraints, recommendations that are low cost and high impact will be prioritized.  Recommendations that work within a market economy framework may have the highest chance for adoption. When recommendations involve city legal policies, specific changes to ordinances should be outlined.

Recommendations should define the problem, provide narrative support for a proposed solution, and address possible objections through a FAQ document.

Click Here to download or view the original signed document PDF

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