MFC Board Meeting Minutes February 16, 2017

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Board Meeting Minutes

Feb 16, 2017

Summerfield United Methodist Church

Present: Stephanie Calloway, Damian Coleman, Martha Davis-Kipcak, Catherine Draeger, Kristin Fledderjohn, Bonnie Halvorsen, Marie Jewell, Dawn Powell, Barbara Richards, Nya Taryor, Erika Villafuerte, Pahuoa Xiong,

Absent: Antoine Carter

  1. Introductions including members’ favorite seasons
  2. Overview of agenda
  3. Executive Committee Updates

New Policies

  • Board Election Policy for Tie Votes; CD moves to adopt, MDK seconds. Unanimous vote, motion carries.
  • Bylaw Amendment Policy; CD moves to adopt with subtraction of “2/3” phrasing, MDK seconds. Vote is 11 ayes, 0 nays, and 1 abstention, motion carries.
  • Closed Session Policy; MJ moves to adopt closed session procedures, DC seconds. Unanimous vote, motion carries.

Director and Officer Insurance discussed; referrals given.

  1. Board Officers; one year terms; all serve on executive committee which generally meets monthly. Position duties are reviewed. Self-nominated candidates are:
    • President: Stephanie Calloway
    • Vice-President: Nya Taryor
    • Treasurer: Kristin Fledderjohn
    • Secretary: Bonnie Halvorsen with Barbara Richards and Marie Jewell

MDK moves to approve slate, MJ seconds. Unanimous vote, motion carries.

  1. Board Committees; topic tabled due to agenda prioritization.
  2. Approve Minutes and Notes.
  • 12/15/16 MFC Board Meeting minutes; CD moves to accept, BH seconds. Unanimous vote, motion carries.
  • 1/10/17 MFC General meeting notes, MDK moves to accept, KF seconds. Unanimous vote, motion carries.
  1. MFC “Why” conversation was lead by CD.
  2. City of Milwaukee
    • MOU between MFC and City of Milwaukee Environmental Collaboration Office (ECO) and City of Milwaukee Health Department; MDK moves to approve Stephanie Calloway to sign MOU with “and agreed upon future updates” phrasing edit under Purpose paragraph, and accepting added #5 in same paragraph, BH seconds. Vote unanimous, motion carries.
    • Common Council visits update.
  3. Collective impact; topic tabled due to agenda prioritization.
  4. Global kitchen; topic tabled due to agenda prioritization.
  5. Closed Session for Member issue. MDK moves to go into Closed Session, BH seconds. Unanimous vote, motion carries. After returning to open session, MDK moves to send letter discussed in closed session with suggested edits, MJ seconds. Votes are 11 ayes, 0 nays, 2 abstentions.
  6. Meeting adjourned at 11:35.

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