MFC General Meeting Notes March 16, 2017

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General Meeting Notes     |   16 March 2017   |   Body & Soul Healing Arts Center

  1. Meeting called to order: 9:04am
  2. Welcome and Meeting Overview by Stephanie Calloway,
  3. Gratitude to Venice Williams as host, Outpost for food, Paulette and hospitality team.
  4. Review of meeting procedures
  5. Introductions & sign in sheets
  6. Membership update: 63 members, 18 since January; Renew membership, ($25 Yearly)

MFC committee updates and engagement.

    1. Welcome new board officers: President Stephanie Calloway, Vice President Nya Taryor, Secretary Bonnie Halvorsen, Treasurer Kristin Fledderjohn
    2. New committees named and sign-up sheets circulated, BOD will define charters of committees at April meeting.
  • Fundraising
  • Community Engagement and Membership
  • Policy
  • Hospitality
    1. Organizational Review: MFC became a 501©3 in October of 2016. The BOD is continuing to define policies and procedures as quickly as possible when the need arises. In the meantime, the BOD asks for feedback, and would like to address the “report card” that was distributed in January, and which contained false and severe claims.
    2. Member feedback:
  • This happens with organizations over and over. The more energy you give it, the more power you give it. There were targets from this person before us and will be after us.
  • Appreciate time to talk about this. Didn’t know what the “report card” was. Was it requested? Personally, I was insulted by it. I’m inspired by the work of the MFC, especially the Board, with development and more opportunities. The “report card” was critical, not constructive, and I don’t share this opinion. Don’t want it part of public record. It’s not something we developed as a group.
  • Ditto
  • I’ve been a part of MFC for a long time. Co-wrote bylaws. When there is a conflict of interest, we are doing a good job addressing issues by following our policies. There are none at this time. Full confidence in this board, encouraged by everyone around the table.
  • I’ve been with the group a number of years. I agree with everything that’s been said. Good to ask if we are doing a good job. But hurled accusation against everyone that’s had anything to do with MFC is not helpful.
  • Don’t want to spend time on the “report card.” We need to have priorities, don’t know a lot about how to engage people in priorities. More of a conservation about priorities going forward.
  • There’s opportunity for feedback outside of this meeting. The gist could be summarized on a blog, ask for feedback, anonymous suggestion boxes. Then opened up for broader discussion.
  • I haven’t been here for several years. Since I’ve returned to Milwaukee, have seen quite a lot of growth in MFC. 501c3 status is beneficial to the group and entire city.
  • We should build in an annual self-evaluation, what we would like to see going forward. Build this into organizational culture. Something more participatory. Paulette volunteers to lead this.
  • My name has been cited in these negative communications as a “conflict of interest.” At the City of Milwaukee what we call that outreach “partnership.”
  • I’m looking at this group of awesome people. Although this is an external meeting it feels internal. As we figure out what we become, extending our welcome to more people, we need to think about where we meet, times of day. I work with 95 garden leaders, but can’t come to MFC meetings because they’re all at work. We can get all of us together, but how do we get the other layers of the onion to the table.
  • There is a lot more we can do to engage the community. How do we meet the community where they are? Maybe we have a table at State Fair, Juneteenth day, and other local fairs, asking for feedback and participation.
  • We have established a culture; the work is done in sub-groups. We meet every other month, but lots of discussion happens (such as chicken and bees policy) came out of subcommittee work. These are not business meetings developing proposals, so those lists going around are very important. We need to develop the outreach and policy work. I’m sure lots of us have ideas. Please sign up on the list.
  • Other ways to involve those who want a voice in MKE Food Issues? Outreach versus Marketing versus Membership
  • I think they are different. Healthy Food Access Group meeting changes color. If food leadership development is done vis-a-vis a professional group, why would they come? The question has changed. This is a professional group. It’s okay, but we aren’t something else.
  • Are there other people who want to be in a different session? Outreach is brought forth.
  • Years ago when mission was discussed, we wanted to see not just Latinos, but community. Conversation to action. Concern of members not the group. Working on collective impact, but how much work can everyone to do? Flyers aren’t enough. Expanding membership is different than outreach.
  • Being in a business incubator environment, finding all these disparate groups, not know who would be here, huge variety of groups, everyone working in their own world. Need motivated people to develop that.
  1. MPM Global Kitchen March 3-July 9: New exhibit, new direction, New vision: convening space commons  discussion and dialogue, Community conversations, Demo kitchen
  2. 6 minute video screening; copies available thru Martha
  3. FAB event career pathways
  4. Health Summit
  5. Free passes $5 for exhibit beyond; First Thursday is always free: MFC Outreach  host community conversations:  April 6  What can you grow and eat in MKE, Others:  Contact Martha to join  June 1 – multicultural, July 6 – Theme?
  1. MFC Food Insecurity Initiative. Nya Taryor, Jr.

Food security has been an issue the MFC has collectively decided to address. Survey process: Affordability, Accessibility, Desirability. We’ve identified five issues. Looking for support and interest in what you’d like to get involved in specifically.

  • Local food production and urban agriculture: what are goals that we could move forward.
  • Promoting programs that work; nutrition education
  • Economic development (Nya): job creation and retail marketing.
  • Chronic food shortage (David): meal programs, food pantry, chronic hunger

Nya: collective impact, my group meeting since December, discussing goals and plans. Trying to establish 3 events. 2 on northside, 1 on southside, want to open it up to whole city. Engage the people so we can understand how they understand how entrepreneurship could benefit. Asking for help in building events, hopefully in June. African Americans, Hispanics, Hmong, to host and engage.

David: starting last May, to talk about food security. Focus on Food Security (rather than insecurity); lots of ideas to pursue, hard to get plenty people coming monthly. Developing workshop for half day. Will repeat. 2 issues: Wisconsin Food Security Coalition, blueprint to end hunger in Wisconsin, will present 1st session. Healthy food, food pantry experts, define what is “healthy” for those they serve. Trickle Bee and Amaranth bakery, next steps. Meeting 9-1 tomorrow here at Body and Soul, still open to all. No fee. Intention is not to start new projects, but to align existing projects. Would like to develop metrics.

  1. MFC and City of Milwaukee Connection. Stephanie Calloway
  2. City of Milwaukee Updates Tim McCollow,

City of Milwaukee did a sustainability plan. Food identified as major issue. An entire chapter of plan was devoted to it. City recognized MFC as an important partner, goal to formalize relationship. Would like to brainstorm what we should be doing with MOU. Set action agenda. Broad Ideas include:

  1. Improve institutional capacity and resilient.
  2. Expand role of MFC to advice.
  3. Increase demand and access to local nutrition food.
  4. Increase trade between urban and rural.

Provide a space for City to share initiative and receive feedback. How do we organize and identify working groups to develop policy ideas. Intention for tabling at events.

Policy Committee will take a lead on recommendations. Due Dec 2017, and 2018. Would like to do study. Some data available at Center for Urban Population Health and Zilber School of Public Health. Multiplicity of groups understanding what their challenges are. Alderman Rainy asked for a report City of Development including recommendations. Access to healthy food. City of Milwaukee is definitely doing mapping. How will it be disseminated? Consider all of the above.

Do we have someone anointed to interact with City people? Need to work out those mechanics, urge release of this report. Report will be an important document for the city. Venessa Koster, in DCD and Alderman Rainy. Should compost rules be expanded? Food recycling pilot be extended? Land access? MFC helps City think things out. It’s a food access study, transport isn’t everything. Not only city recommendation, but to look outside of city’s recommendation. Initiative to meet all alder people. Now that MOU is signed would like to encourage those who have asked to communicate. Bruce will hold another training for that outreach.

Food systems and common council, safe water. Lead piping policies, etc. MOUS represent for formal linkage to City. Opportunity to expand awareness and communication with the city. Several departments to report to Tim, CDC, HD, Mayors’ office etc. Policy initiatives report.

  • Announcements. Please use MFC online calendar to post events.
    1. Spring Cleaning with Gratitude: Sunday March 19th 1:00pm-4:00pmPaulette and Renee leading the event. Cleaning kitchen, restrooms, community space. We are limited in volunteer we can do. Go support your community healer. This is perfect opportunity
    2. Looking for new places/organizations to host summer MFC meetings. Different times?
    3. Others
  • Racial justice event: April 1 8:30-4pm Alverno College.
  • Grant RFP opened Monday Buy Local Buy Wisconsin Due April 14, Kietra. economic development, increase food production, job development   Starts July 1
  • Urban Ecology Center, Interfaith network
  • Web based connections: rid racism. Barbara
  • Outpost Milk money, buy gallon of milk for hungry, ask cashier for gallon of milk.
  • Outpost makers market Saturdays 12-3, Thursdays 10-2, Learning center 17th and North Avenue.
  • Milwaukee Green Lakefront brewery 5:30-7:30
  • Karin: health 6-7, see Karin
  • Friedens, next Saturday, food pantry, fliers circulating
  • Young Farmers at Groundwork 22 minute documentary. Next two are at Outpost. April 15 Outpost Mequon, Alices Garden April 8
  • True school, 20 little libraries, customized and decorated April 5 , 5-8pm, true knowledge anniversary gallery night, Earth day will be installed. Basement of grand avenue mall.
  • MFC has a calendar on our website, monthly emails.
  • Cream city farms CSA registrations
  • Trickle Bee Café host speakers
  • Milwaukee winter farmers market 4 more weeks. Fondy farmers market opens May 13.
  • Milwaukee farmers market connection, joint marketing campaign.
  • Walnut way Blues Landscaping hiring for FB and website
  • Pete’s Market MLK Drive location opening soon
  • Earthday Milwaukee River Keepers site, party afterward
  • March for science April 22 Red Arrow Park
  • Water week, free food all over the city. Eco facebook page
  1. 2017 Calendar of Meetings. Bi-Monthly Third Thursday. 9:00am-11:00am
  • Thursday, 18 May, 2017 – Body and Soul Healing Arts Center
  • Thursday, 20 July, 2017 – TBD WHO/ Where ?
  • Thursday, 21 September, 2017 – TBD WHO/ Where?
  • Thursday, 16 November, 2017 – Body and Soul Healing Arts Center

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